Want to keep reading about 'faith'?

Lee Carter has made these suggestions if you want to keep reading...

James Montgomery Boice, Foundations of the Christian Faith.

Jerry Bridges, Growing Your Faith.

Wayne Grudem (ed. Elliot Grudem), Christian Beliefs*

JI Packer, Knowing God

Arthur W Pink, Life of Faith**

Arthur W Pink, The Attributes of God.**

John Piper, Desiring God.

John Piper and Justin Taylor (general editors), Suffering and the Sovereignty of God.

Rebecca Manley Pippert, A Heart for God.

RC Sproul, The Invisible Hand.

Gary L Thomas, Authentic Faith.

* this is a condensed version (157 pages) of “Bible Doctrine” (528 pages) which in turn is a condensed version of “Systematic Theology” (1,290 pages), all by Wayne Grudem.

** these are compilations of AW Pink’s writings from the first half of the 20th Century – the language is old-fashioned, but rich in truth and understanding.

How I Came to Faith in Jesus - Pt 3


Faith Pt 4 - Faith and the nature of God