What is Women’s Ministry?
Di Warren
EQUIP Nights February 2019
EQUIP nights aim to encourage women currently leading (or preparing to lead) Bible study groups in their church, workplace, campus or home. This is a vital weekly ministry that influences so many women.
“Women’s ministry” is often a mystery. Although it’s commonly talked about, what exactly is it, and why it is important? Di Warren presentation of this issue will stretch your thinking, as well as give you plenty of ministry ideas, especially in terms of bible study leading. Resources available are Di’s talks as videos or MP3s as well as the handouts from evening.
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EQUIP Nights Women’s Ministry: What, Why, How was recorded live at Moore Theological College, Newtown NSW 2042 on Monday February 11th, 2019 for EQUIP Women. Copyright EQUIP Incorporated, February 2019. All rights reserved.