Meet Nicole Starling

As the book club co-ordinator/moderator many of you will be getting to know Nicole Starling already and have benefitted from her contributions along the way. Nicole will be contributing for September's book Feminine Appeal: Seven Virtues of a Godly Wife and Mother, so I thought I'd interview her as we have done the other contributors.

How did you come to faith in Christ?

My parents weren't Christians until I was 6 years old. I was the first person in my family to become a Christian, through my Scripture teacher! I loved Scripture and I remember being amazed by everything my teacher told me about Jesus. Then one day she said we could 'ask Jesus into our hearts'. I know it's not the best way to describe it, but I understood what she was saying and prayed with her. I went home and announced to my parents that I had 'asked Jesus into my heart'. I think they might have been a little shocked and concerned, but they hid it from me. It was only a couple of months later, that, through different circumstances, my mum and dad became Christians. From that point on I grew up being discipled by them. I think God has been very gracious to my family!!

What do you most love about reading?

Lots of things! I love reading fiction because I can can enter into another world. If I love a book enough I actually feel sadness when I finish the book because I'm going to 'miss' the characters. I also think reading fiction is a great way to learn empathy (which is a GREAT thing for a Christian to have!) because you get to see the world through the character's eyes.

What is your favourite novel?

It's hard to pick a favourite. I've always loved Jane Eyre and Pride and Prejudice. A recent 'favourite' is Atonement by Ian McEwen, plus I love reading anything by Alexander McCall Smith.

What book has helped you the most in growing in your knowledge of God?

It's a tie between Knowing God by JI Packer and Desiring God, by John Piper. I read Knowing God in my first year at uni, and it really stretched my understanding of God's character. I also love Desiring God, because it helped me understand the relationship between enjoying God and glorifying him, and the difference that it makes in my life.

An interview with Carolyn Mahaney


Faithful Women and their Extraordinary God - Pt 5