The Feminist Mistake

We still haven't finished reading this month's book (I've got the final post scheduled for Monday), but I thought I would quickly fill you in on next month's book, The Feminist Mistake. As the book's title indicates, it's all about feminism and how we should view this philosophy as Christians. Here's an interesting excerpt from a recent post about the author, Mary Kassian:
The philosophy of feminism adds a subtle, almost indiscernible twist to the basic biblical truth of woman's worth. Feminism asserts that woman's worth is of such a nature that it gives her the right to discern, judge, and govern that truth herself. It infuses women with the idea that God's teaching about the role of women must line up with their own perception and definition of equality and/or liberation. Feminism does not present itself as an outright affront to the Bible, but it nevertheless contains an insidious distortion that erodes the authority of Scripture. Acceptance of the feminist thesis may not drastically alter one's initial beliefs, but if followed it will naturally lead to an end miles away from the Christianity of the Bible.
This month's contributor, Jennie Baddeley, has already written an opening post (which will go up on Thursday next week) which explains why the book is worth reading, but in the meantime, can I encourage you to get your hands on a copy, and start reading now? It will be an advantage to have a few chapters under your belt before next week!

A Titus 2 type woman...


Chapter 8 - The Beauty of Submission