Perhaps, like me, you feel some reluctance to read a book on singleness, because for a start it means you actually have to acknowledge that you
are single, and you feel like reading such a book puts you in a category you just don’t want to be in - and maybe even somehow seals your fate. Or perhaps you don’t think you need to read a book on singleness because you desire marriage so badly that you are sure God must be going to give it you. Or perhaps you don’t think you need to read a book on singleness because, for now at least, you can’t see what’s the big deal about being single. In Carolyn McCulley’s own words, from p 21, here are some of the reasons why you might want to read this book (and if you are like me any one of them applies at various times):
Maybe the gospel doesn’t confuse you, but you’re living as though it doesn’t make much difference in your life. You don’t see how God could possibly have any purpose for your being single, and you’re wondering what you have to do to "earn" the privilege of marriage.
Maybe you don’t trust God to bless you. You look at your life and wonder at what age you need to shut down hope and start making long-term goals for solitary confinement -
oops, that’s singleness, of course.
Maybe you say you’re content now, but your actions and decisions reveal that you are
really waiting for your life to begin when a man comes along.
Maybe you are still young, and you’ve only recently started to wonder if you are going to get married. But you see lots of older, discontented single women around you, and you’re hoping this book will tell you how to make sure you don’t end up like them.
Maybe you’d honestly say you fit that description - and older, discontent single woman – and you have no idea how to change.
Maybe you just want to know what God has planned for your future so you could prepare for either marriage or singleness (because you would not prepare the same way, right?).
Maybe none of the above applies to you. You love the Lord, and His gospel is precious to you, but you need to be encouraged in how to apply His Word to your daily life as a single woman.
If any of those sound remotely like you, it’s not too late to begin reading. You can purchase the book
here, or download the
first two chapters from Crossway to get you started (and even read the rest online) to give you time to obtain a copy. We'll be discussing chapters 1-3 next week.