Meet Alison Napier
before we start reading through Living with the Underworld together.
How did you come to faith in Christ?
I've always had a copy of the Bible from a young age and, being a child who liked to read, I got into the habit of reading the Bible regularly. By the time I was a teenager I'd worked out it was hard to understand it all by yourself, so I joined a local church to find out more. A friend there took me along to help out on the preschool section of her beach mission, and friends at beach mission invited me along to their uni Christian group. At beach mission I worked out I wasn't Christian, at uni I worked out what a Christian was, and through an evangelism course at my local church (while learning to evangelise others!) I was convicted of my sin, and that I needed to respond to God's offer of forgiveness - which I did right there and then, sitting in my Honda Civic in the church driveway!!
What do you most love about reading?
I love the escapism of a good story, leaving the world you're in and going to many different times and places, meeting all sorts of interesting characters and situations! It's great when you get engrossed in a book - when you have the time to get lost like that!
What is your favourite novel?
I read 'A Town Like Alice' by Neville Shute five times when I was a teenager, but haven't read it since - I might have to go back this year and see if I still like it. Other than that I've only ever read a book once and then moved on to something new. There are too many good ones out there!
What book(s) has helped you most in growing in your knowledge of God?
Gospel & Kingdom by Grahame Goldsworthy was revolutionary for me. I'd never understood before how the Bible fitted together, despite having read it for all those years.