The Practice of Godliness

WISE WORDS from Jerry Bridges:

I have been in a full-time Christian ministry for well over twenty-five years nd have served both overseas and in the United States. During this time I have met many talented and capable Christians, but I think I have met fewer godly Christians. The emphasis of our age is on serving God, accomplishing things for God. Enoch was a preacher of righteousness in a day of gross ungodliness, but God saw fit that the brief account of his life emphasized that he walked with God [Genesis 5:18-24]. What are we training ourselves for? Are we training ourselves only in Christian activity, as good as that may be, or are we training ourselves first of all in godliness?
(Jerry Bridges, The Practice of Godliness, NavPress (Colorado, Colorado Springs), 1996, pp 33-34.)

Meeting Di Warren


Don't Waste Your Life - Pt 8