Meeting Alison Napier

In February we will be reading through Right Side Up: Life as God Meant it to Be by Paul Grimmond, with the first post this Friday. I thought we'd ask Alison Napier a few more questions before we begin (you can read her earlier interview here).

Favourite book you read in 2009?

2009 must've been a pretty mediocre year reading-wise for me! I've read quite a few things that were 'ok' or 'interesting' (and nothing that I hated) but there were no stand-outs. One problem I find as a Christian reading secular novels is that some things about a book can be great, and other bits unhelpful. A good example of this was reading 'People of the Book' by Geraldine Brooks which I did read last year. Parts of it were excellent, but the gratuitous sex scenes meant that it'd never be classed as a favourite! As for Christian books, I tend to flit from one to another as topics come up for me in ministry ... and therefore there aren't many that I could claim that I've read in their entirety.

Favourite new author you've discovered over the last 12 months?

Lian Hearn was a discovery! I bought the first installment of her ‘Tales of the Otori’ saga because I wanted something to read on the train coming back from Leura. I don’t usually read sci-fi/fantasy but I enjoyed being drawn into another world, so much so that I’ve read my way through most of the series!

Who have been your role models of Christian womanhood?

I’ve been privileged to have many role models as I’ve trained for Christian ministry, both peers and my trainers. It was a blessing to be part of a women’s ministry team at UNSW led by Tara Thornley and Jane Tooher, and also Lois Hagger. Since being at St Andrews Cathedral I’ve met some amazing saints who've been serving Christ decades longer than me and they’ve been great examples too. Judith Short immediately springs to mind, most likely unknown to most people reading this blog, but a great example of Christlike servanthood!

Right Side Up - Pt 1


The Scarlet Letter - Pt 8