Meeting Annabel Catto

Annabel Catto is our May contributor on EQUIP book club.
Annabel will be reviewing Contending for our all by John Piper.
"I was born and raised in Sydney. I started following Jesus by late high school (although it may have been earlier), and I'm so thankful to God for how he used my parents, local church and the uni Christian group to mature my faith.

I loved studying history and law at uni, and I loved practicing as a solicitor in the city. Nevertheless in 2008 I resigned and uprooted to begin a 2 year ministry apprenticeship at St Paul's Carlingford Group of Churches. In 2011, I'm studying at Moore Theological College, which I'm loving.

My parents and sisters are scattered between Sydney, Queensland and Kathmandu. But I like being able to keep in touch, as well as blue-sky crisp sunny days, market-shopping and spending time with friends."

Contending #2


Contending #1