Introducing our new contributor

Katie James is a Science teacher in South West Sydney. Her favourite things to think and talk about are Science and Christianity. She believes that the Scriptures are God-breathed. She also believes that Science can genuinely offer new knowledge about the universe. As a result of these combined interests she is regularly involved in conversations about where Science and Christianity meet (an occupational hazard).

She says that over the years she has been challenged and humbled in her thinking on both topics, and that she has changed her views in big and small ways, as she has both better understood scientific theories and God's word, “I like to challenge people's assumptions about both Science and Christianity and it frustrates and saddens me when I see or hear people claiming things about Science or Christianity that is wrong. I am especially sad when people put their faith in Science and use this as an excuse to ignore God and avoid seriously considering the gospel message.”

This month Katie will be taking us through John C. Lennox’s Seven Days That Divide the World: The Beginning According to Genesis and Science.

Introduction: why should you read this book?


Feasting in heaven