EQUIP Shorts True by Sarah Bradley

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Di Warren reviewed this book last year in our EQUIP Shorts. But we are posting it here again in case you missed it or to remind you what a great book it is for teens. Di will be speaking on 1 Corinthians 10 "Freed for God's Glory" at EQUIP this year.

Call me superficial, but I first picked up True because I liked the cover. Through I noticed recently that the Good Book Company has republished it with a slightly different cover! 

It’s a great little book. Especially written for girls 10-14, it aims to help teenage girls be excited about living for Jesus in every relationship in their lives. I don’t think there’s anything like it on the market.

It’s a lovely mix of the Bible and earthy illustrations. Each chapter explores one Bible passage, and then finishes with seven practical ideas, a real-life testimony and a Bible study. 

True is a super easy read, but it deals with deep issues. You can tell that Sarah Bradley is very experienced in youth ministry as she politely gets right inside a teenage girl’s head. The material on body image, which it opens with, is insightful and grounded. I loved reading it with my daughter, as it was very easy to chat through.

True is perfect for Mums and daughters to read together, but it’s also a great gift for a niece or a friend’s daughter. It can be used in a girls' bible study group or even youth group. 
Written primarily for Christians, it’s also very accessible for interested unbelievers.

About this month's contributor, Di Warren
Di Warren lives in Sydney's South with her husband James, 3 teenage kids and lots of surfboards and skateboards. She loves hearing new believers ask questions about God's word and seeing young women serve in Christian leadership.

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