The Essential Jesus


EQUIP19 Picks - 10 books chosen and reviewed for you by our EQUIP team

The Essential Jesus is a great read and an easy giveaway. It is a fresh translation of Luke’s Gospel as a standalone book, with some nifty features that make it accessible to the first-time reader. Like the inclusion of some background information on the first few pages, “Previously in the Bible…” and the handy footnotes along the way (Now I know what a ‘winnowing fork’ is for!). At the back there are some next steps, “Where to from here…?” and there are 2 testimonies from Australian women.

Finding the words to tell people about Jesus can feel daunting. But I love the simplicity of giving away Luke’s Gospel as a way of people meeting the real Jesus – as you might say, letting God speak for himself!

This book would be great for reading with a friend or neighbour who wants to find out more about Jesus or as an Easter gift for that person who has never investigated Christianity for themselves. Or maybe it could be a giveaway at your next evangelistic event.

Personally, I loved how this simple re-packaging of something familiar reminded me of what Luke’s Gospel is – a great introduction to the person of Jesus, told by a great storyteller.


  The EQUIP19 Picks will be available at the conference book shop on Saturday June 22. And for a limited time, online via our ministry partner, Reformers Bookshop.

A percentage of the sales from books bought at EQUIP19, and via the above link will support our CMS missionary, M.

Isobel Lin. Ash and Stark.jpg

Meet Mathea Yeung

This year, Mathea is the Chair of our Teens Conference. She will be sharing her MC duties with Charlotte in the afternoon.

Mathea works part-time in student ministry at the University of Sydney, Cumberland.

She is married to Kev and they are living in Newtown while he finishes his theological study at Moore.











Made Man by Craig Hamilton


The Good Portion: The Doctrine of God for Every Woman by Rebecca Stark