Need to Know by Gary Millar


EQUIP20 Picks - books chosen and reviewed for you by our EQUIP team

So you’ve decided to follow Jesus, which is a super exciting thing! Now … what does living as a Christian actually look like? It can be daunting working that out. Where do you start? What next? Or maybe you’ve been a Christian for years but feel like things are a bit stale in your walk with Jesus, and you’ve forgotten what really got you excited about the gospel to start off with.  

Need to Know by Gary Millar is a great what next. It’s a short book, written in a very accessible way. But short and accessible doesn’t mean trivial and superficial. Millar is thorough in his guide to the Christian life, and his warm tone and engaging manner make it a really enjoyable book to read.

 Millar takes the reader through living the Christian life with gospel tinted glasses. Understanding the gospel rightly infuses every part of this book. Millar starts with the key foundation of knowing the God of the gospel, then moves through living with God in the power of the gospel, knowing ourselves through the gospel, being transformed by the gospel, living together for the God of the gospel and looking at the world through the gospel.

I would recommend this book to any new Christian who wants to delve deeper into what it means to follow Jesus in all aspects of your life. Others who will benefit from this book are those walking alongside new Christians, mentoring and discipling them. This would be a great book to read one to one, and there are questions at the back aimed to help your discussion.

If you’ve been a Christian a while, you will also benefit from reading this book. We never graduate from needing to be reminded of what it means to follow Jesus and making sure we look at the world through a gospel centred lens. In our current circumstances I found his section on what church is, ‘living to love’, a helpful cause for reflection and particularly as we prepare to resume meeting together with other Christians in person.

When I purchased this book, I got two copies. My plan is to pray for someone who I can give the second copy to and read it with in coming months. Why not consider doing that yourself? 

 The EQUIP20 Picks will be available for a limited time online via our ministry partner, Reformers Bookshop.

A percentage of the sales from books bought via the above link will support our CMS missionary, M.

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Meet Sarah Cameron

Sarah Cameron is a member of St Barnabas Fairfield and Bossley Park where her husband Gus is an assistant minister. Not having grown up in the South West, she loves trying new foods and getting to know people from the many other cultures who have made that part of Sydney their home. She loves encouraging women in their walk with Jesus through managing the EQUIP social media pages.


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