Questions Women Asked | Simonetta Carr

What I love about this book is that I learned about so many women from centuries and centuries before. These women have had a significant impact on the lives of Christians around them, as well as influencing great teachers and theologians of their time.

Have you ever wondered how as a woman, you might impact the lives of the Christians around you and in the world?  We hear about many great male theologians, but we rarely hear of women having such an impact.  Are Christian women just silent bystanders, there as quiet supporters of men who pave the way on Christian thought and doctrine?

What I love about this book is that I learned about so many women from centuries and centuries before. These women have had a significant impact on the lives of Christians around them, as well as influencing great teachers and theologians of their time.  You will not find their names in the great hall of fame of Christian teachers.  But the impact of their lives, actions and their inquisitive nature are by no means insignificant to the furthering of the gospel.

The book tackles questions ranging from “How Can I Be Sure I Am Saved?” to “Does God Care about Hairstyles?”.  There are doctrinal questions these women have contemplated but also some questions that speak to matters of wisdom.  

But if you think you are just getting answers to the questions, you are mistaken!  More and more as I continued from chapter to chapter, I found myself eagerly looking for details on the situations and challenges God had placed these women in.  There were women who were single for all their lives, married, widowed, poor, wealthy, educated or disadvantaged.  As I read this book, I was struck by one substantial truth; no matter what situation God has placed us in, our faith is an active faith.  It continues to grow as we face the challenges of life on this side of heaven.  If you are looking to be encouraged to strive and persevere in your faith, while wrestling with your doubts and questions, this is the book for you.

To coincide with our annual conference, EQUIP Picks are 10 great reads, chosen and reviewed by the EQUIP Women Team for women.

EQUIP22 Picks will be available for a limited time online via our ministry partner, Reformers Bookshop.

A percentage of the sales from books bought via the above link will support our CMS missionary, M.

Meet Deb Agahari

Deb is the Treasurer for EQUIP. She is married to Darwin, who serves as Associate Minister at Kingsway Presbyterian Church in Kingsford NSW.  They have been blessed with two young kids Micah (6) and Maddie (5).  During the week, Deb works in finance, leads a women’s Bible study, and at church she serves in music and kids ministry. 


The Heart of Anger | Christopher Ash and Steve Midgley


The Big Wide Welcome | Trillia Newbell