Thank God For Bedtime | Geoff Robson


I came to Geoff Robson’s book, ‘Thank God For Bedtime’, with fairly low expectations. I don’t think I’ve ever read a Christian book on sleep. I wasn’t sure it was even necessary to think deeply about it. Surely there are not that many ways, God-glorifying or not, to lie in bed unconscious, doing nothing except maybe drooling.

 Well, it turns out the Bible has much more to say about sleep than I originally thought. And by delving deeper into the theology of sleep, I saw how it connects to the very heart of knowing God. For me to not go to bed on time actually reflects on who I think God is.

Far from resembling a nagging parent’s “Go to bed!”, Geoff Robson writes with biblical clarity, practical wisdom and engaging warmth. He’s also sensitive to the many different experiences we all have of sleep, including those for whom serious problems make every night an exhausting battle.

Personally, I have a complicated relationship with sleep. As a mother of three young children, I crave it and never have enough. But as a night owl, I delay bedtime for as long as possible; often sacrificing sleep to get one more household chore done; or watch one more episode of SEAL Team with my husband Ez; or fit in one more route at the indoor rock-climbing gym. As someone who goes to bed only begrudgingly, it has been a pleasant surprise that by the end of this book, I can now echo its title, “Thank God for Bedtime”, with heartfelt conviction!

To coincide with our annual conference, EQUIP Picks are 10 great reads, chosen and reviewed by the EQUIP Women Team for women.

EQUIP21 Picks will be available for a limited time online via our ministry partner, Reformers Bookshop.

A percentage of the sales from books bought via the above link will support our CMS missionary, M.


Meet Winnie Lau

On the EQUIP women team, one of Winnie’s jobs is to organise the printing of postcards. She misses her old job of helping at the Enquiries Desk on conference day, which allowed her to bump into sisters-in-Christ she has known from previous churches and ministries.


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