Transformed By Truth | Katherine Foster


Our Teens Pick for 2021, ‘Transformed By Truth: Why and how to study the Bible for yourself as a teen’, helps teens make that important transition to reading the Bible on their own.

Have you ever found reading the Bible a bit boring? The author of this book starts by sharing how in her early teens, that’s how she found it. She then talks about what changed for her and how reading and memorising the Bible became a huge joy as she came to know God personally through it.

She wrote the book as a teenager herself, and she wants to encourage other teens to rebel against the low expectations that our society sometimes has for us when it comes to spending time in God’s word. She wants to encourage us to be able to read the Bible for ourselves and be transformed by it.

The book is split into two parts, in the first half Katherine talks about the why of Bible study. Why it’s important for us as teens, how God has revealed himself to us through his word, how we learn about God’s will for our lives and how it helps us obey him.

In the second half she gets very practical and takes us through the how of Bible study. She covers an inductive Bible study method, how to make it a habit, how to actually go about studying a book of the Bible and what application really looks like. It’s a book that will challenge and stretch you, and I think will help encourage you to seriously read God’s word for yourself.


To coincide with our annual conference, EQUIP Picks are 10 great reads, chosen and reviewed by the EQUIP Women Team for women.

EQUIP21 Picks will be available for a limited time online via our ministry partner, Reformers Bookshop.

A percentage of the sales from books bought via the above link will support our CMS missionary, M.

Jemima Loane.jpg

Meet Jemima Loane

Jemima is fifteen and this will be her third EQUIP.


Growing Together | Melissa B. Kruger


Reformation Women | Rebecca Vandoodewaard