Trusting God | Jerry Bridges


Trusting God’ is the first review of our EQUIP21 Picks.

Have you ever wondered if God really is in control of every little detail of our lives, or if bad things happen to us just because we live in a sin cursed world? Have you wrestled with the reasons why a God who is really sovereign and really loves us allows so many terrible things to happen? Have you questioned what the point of prayer is if God is just going to do what he wants anyway? How about working out how human responsibility and personal freedom fit with an utterly sovereign God? If these are things you’d like to think further about I’d highly recommend ‘Trusting God’ by Jerry Bridges.

It’s our Classic Pick for EQUIP 2021, and there is a good reason this book from 1988 has stood the test of time!

Bridges wrote the book from a place of suffering and dealing with some of the questions above. He takes a thorough and biblical look at God’s complete sovereignty, his infinite wisdom and his perfect love. It’s a book that clearly teaches these three truths about God and gives us a firm basis for being able to trust God in adversity. This book really shaped my understanding of God’s character when I first read it more then 20 years ago, re-reading it this year, I was delighted that it was just as excellent as I remembered. This new edition comes with a much prettier, textured cover and an extensive discussion guide.

To coincide with our annual conference, EQUIP Picks are 10 great reads, chosen and reviewed by the EQUIP Women Team for women.

EQUIP21 Picks will be available for a limited time online via our ministry partner, Reformers Bookshop.

A percentage of the sales from books bought via the above link will support our CMS missionary, M.

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Meet Jocelyn Loane

Jocelyn is pretty chuffed that her role on the EQUIP Committee is helping select the Top 10 books. She loves reading all sorts of books, and spending time with her husband Ed and their 5 kids. They attend Naremburn Cammeray Anglican Church.


God's Big Picture | Vaughan Roberts


My Heart Cries Out by Paul David Tripp