1 Corinthians 15:58
Draw a pie chart that summarises which activities you spend your time doing in your average week.
If you had to rank the top 3 most important activities in your week (no matter how much time they got in your pie chart), what would they be?In 1 Corinthians 15:58, Paul concludes, “Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labour in the Lord is not in vain.”
What do you think it means for something to be “in vain”?
When I was in high school, a question I often heard from teachers and guest speakers at assemblies was, “How are you going to make your mark on the world?” Would it be through a scientific discovery? Fighting climate change? Making an impact as a doctor, lawyer, writer, or teacher? I wonder if you’ve ever been faced with this question too.
Or maybe your goals are a little closer to home. You want to make a mark on the people you love, have a family who love you deeply, and be remembered for the little impacts you made in people’s lives.
The older we get, the more we begin to question the purpose of our lives – what’s going to last? That’s the question behind the electives we choose, the extracurricular activities we do, or even the friends we decide to make. But that raises a deeper question: what actually does last?
In the book of Ecclesiastes in the Old Testament, the Teacher has a good look at the world, and concludes: “Utterly meaningless! Everything is meaningless! What do people gain from all their labour at which they toil under the sun?” (Ecc 1:2b-3). Ultimately, the Teacher sees that because we all die – whether we are rich or poor, wise or foolish – our labour cannot last.
So, if we will all die one day, what does last?
The Teacher did observe some truth about this earthly life under the sun – but there is a bigger picture that he didn’t see. This is the picture of eternity that we have the privilege of seeing clearly because God has so graciously shown it to us in his Word.
So far in 1 Corinthians 15, Paul has shown us that because Jesus rose, he reigns as Lord over everything and will one day fully destroy the last enemy of death (v25-26)! And that all those who trust in him will one day rise to eternal life with him (v20-22).
So the one thing that really lasts eternally is people! In 1 Corinthians 15:50-56, Paul explains that people who have Jesus as their Saviour and King will be raised in lasting, imperishable bodies fit for eternal life. This raises two very important questions:
Have you trusted Jesus and received this eternal life for yourself?
Who are you going to share this news of eternal life with?
Since eternal life is found in Jesus alone, the most important and lasting thing that we can ever do with our lives is to help people receive this incredible gift of life. And you can do this incredible, lasting work right now, before even finishing high school!
So what is this labour that is not in vain? What can we spend our lives doing that really will last? As Paul says, it is the “work of the Lord” (v58) – serving God, encouraging His people and sharing the gospel with others who need to hear it! It may be hard and it may mean standing out, but it is so worth it because it really will last. Therefore, “Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain” (1 Cor 15:58).
With the bigger picture of eternity in sight, what are the most important things you do in your week?
Late high school is a really common time for people to believe in Jesus’ resurrection and that he really is worth living for. What would it look like for you to prayerfully share the gospel with friends/family you already spend your week with? (Think specifically about two people in your life who need to know Jesus and spend time praying for them).
Dear Heavenly Father, thank You that because Jesus died and rose again, I can have eternal life in him. Please help me to live with eternity in view. Help me to share the good news of Jesus with others, and please soften their hearts so that they too can receive eternal life. Thank you that this labour is not in vain. Amen.
Meet the Writer:
We asked our writers:
1. What year did you put your trust in Jesus and add your name to the list of resurrection witnesses?
2. Tell us something you're looking forward to in eternity?
3. What's one way you’re involved in the work of the Lord, i.e. eternal work (1 Cor 15:58)
“I became a resurrection witness in 2014. I was in Year 10 and that’s when I fully grasped for myself that I am saved by grace, not by my own efforts. I can’t wait to experience rest with God forever in eternity! I get the great privilege of doing eternal work by helping teenagers grow in their faith at my local youth group, and getting to know God better through his word with fellow uni students at UNSW.”