1 Corinthians 15:35-58
Grab some pens/markers and draw an outline of yourself. Fill it with different things that describe your body, e.g. body parts you like/dislike, and characteristics, such as ‘strong’, ‘flexible’ etc. Be honest! Read over what you wrote – do you think this is an accurate picture of your body?
Read 1 Corinthians 15:35-58 and underline anything that describes what our earthly (sown) bodies are like. Do these descriptions fit with what you wrote about yourself before?
Read the passage again, circling anything that describes what our resurrection (raised) bodies will be like. How are they different to our earthly bodies?
I recently reactivated my Instagram and while it’s been great to reconnect with friends, it’s been impossible to escape the endless posts about our bodies. I don’t know if you feel the same!? On the one hand there are celebrities like Lizzo and Charli D’Amelio who post body positive content encouraging me to “show my body love” and “be kind to myself”. But on the other hand, there are endless #fitspiration and #summerbody posts warning me to eat less, workout more and maintain a good skincare routine if I want to be attractive. Talk about mixed messages! Our world is confused about how to view our bodies. Thankfully though, as Christians we don’t have to be confused because the Bible is clear when it comes to our body image.
A Realistic Picture
In 1 Corinthians 15 we’re told that no matter what our bodies look like they matter to God. That’s because God has given every part of His creation a physical body, including us and that body has splendour and glory (v38-40). God doesn’t make junk! Everything He makes is good – and that includes us (Gen 1:31). Even the things we dislike about our bodies or wish we could fix can’t change this truth.
However, that doesn’t mean our bodies are perfect. Did you see how they’re described? They’re perishable, dishonourable, weak and natural (v42-44). Whether it’s weight issues, poor eyesight, broken bones, or in my case chronic migraines, our bodies don’t always look, feel or act how we want them to. Even the things we like about ourselves now will change – our bodies will fade, grow old, wrinkle and one day die altogether. There’s no amount of makeup we can buy, fitness apps we can download or training sessions we can do to stop it from happening.
But thankfully, as Christians, we know that Jesus defeated death and sin when He died on the cross and rose back to life. If we trust in Him, we too will be raised with physical resurrection bodies when He returns (v52, 56-57). While our resurrection body won’t be a completely new body, it won’t simply be a makeover either. It will be a whole transformation! Our resurrection bodies will be imperishable, honourable, powerful and spiritual (v42-44). That is, all the things our earthly bodies are not. While I will still be Avril, I won’t ever have to take a sick day again. I won’t develop cancer or suffer from allergies. Not only that, I won’t feel insecure or frustrated with how any of it looks or works! My earthly body with its flaws, failures and decay will be transformed. And if you trust in Jesus it will be the same for you!
So, what should I do next time I’m scrolling through Instagram? Well the answer isn’t to simply accept my flaws and love the skin I’m in. No, I can mourn the fact that my body doesn’t look or work how I want it to, and remember the better body waiting for me in eternity. And when I’m tempted to compare my body, and spend all my time, money and energy fixing the things I don’t like, I need to remember that this body won’t last forever. I might make some temporary changes, but soon it will be replaced with a body more glorious than I can imagine. And so the answer? Stand firm in Jesus and give ourselves to the work that lasts for eternity(v58). I don’t need to be confused about my body or treat it like the world does. I can use my body, in all its short-lived and weak glory, to do the eternal work of the Lord and to share the hope I have for eternity. Will you join me?
What would it look like to view ourselves now in light of our future transformation? How would it change what we:
Think or feel about our own bodies?
Spend our money or time on?
Dream about and work towards?
Upload to social media?
How can we encourage one another to remember our resurrection hope when our bodies seem flawed or faulty?
Why is what the Bible says about body image good news for your friends who don’t yet know Jesus?
Dear Heavenly Father, Thank You that You have made my body, and despite its flaws and frailty it matters to You. Please help me to have an accurate view of my earthly body, and to live as someone who knows that because of Jesus I will have a future glorious resurrection body. Please help me to use my body now to serve You always. Amen.
Meet the Writer:
We asked our writers:
1. What year did you put your trust in Jesus and add your name to the list of resurrection witnesses?
2. Tell us something you're looking forward to in eternity?
3. What's one way you’re involved in the work of the Lord, i.e. eternal work (1 Cor 15:58)
“A simple invitation to youth group from a friend in high school meant I had the chance to learn about grace and put my trust in Jesus. I’ve been a resurrection witness now since 2005 when I was in year 10! There are so many things I’m looking forward to, but seeing Jesus in the flesh and spending eternity with him has got to be high on my list! I really love reading the Bible with different people and growing in our love of God together.”